I received by post this morning a charming letter from a
young lady named Sasha. I have learned in my physics class, she writes,
that charge parity violations might account for the marked preponderance of
matter over anti-matter in the observable universe- might an analogous process account for
the preponderance of heroes over antiheroes in literature?
Indeed, I wrote on the very subject some years ago (see Sushing
ED, Annal der Litereinschrifts, Vol X11 Pages
213-409, July 1983). Any ex nihilo model
of the emergence of literature must account for the imbalance of heroes to
anti-heroes, and more generally novels to anti-novels. The proposals I
submitted at Hay-on Wye in 2008 have been largely (and some would say wilfully)
misunderstood by a too-conservative literary community. However, Vidal and others graciously
acknowledged the validity of my ideas, which may be readily appreciated by
anyone with a sufficiently open mind. Without considering the more complicated nuances
of my argument, we may simply observe that dichotomous cognate meaning operates
reflexively in any non-Brechtian verb-space. It follows- saper sunter- that the iterative operation of the reflexion through
ablate normative perturbations will necessarily reduce objectivism, hence the
asymmetry. Quite why such a simple theory has failed to penetrate the minds of
the so-called literary academics, I will leave you to decide, but the words ‘stony
ground’ spring to mind.